
Meredith has a new name --- it’s now Hamilton.   Meredith and Ian Hamilton were wed on October 5 in Ft. Wayne, IN.   We are very happy to have Ian now a permanent part of the family.  For their honeymoon, they spent 7 days in Morocco (Northwest Africa) exploring the markets and old city, eating tagines and drinking mint tea, driving through the Atlas Mountains stopping in Berber villages, eating dates straight off of palm trees and picking pomegranates, and trekking on camels to spend the night in the Sahara Desert.

Ian is anxiously awaiting the completion of the first round of venture capital funding to continue to build out his company, Atlas Energy Systems (   

In June Meredith celebrated her 4th year as a Sales Engineer with Specialty Coating Systems ( and accepted a promotion (Territory Sales Manager) that requires them to move west.   They will call Vancouver, WA their new home come January 2020.